Reclaiming ‘race’ in postcolonialism: A personal reflection on the politics of the racial experience

Happy Wednesday.

I had the amazing opportunity to write for @Writers of Colour as part of their Academic Space of Media Diversified. This piece of writing was based on my own personal reflections and considerations and so far the feedback has been really insightful. I hope this piece of work is helpful to others writing on the politics of pedagogy in their subjective curriculums. We should always ask questions when learning, particularly about what is omitted from our lesson plans and texts, and why.

Please see the essay attached.

Thank you and best regards,


Media Diversified

Written by Amal Abu-Bakare and edited by Xavia Warren

This past October, while reading Homi Bhabha’s TheLocation of Culture, I came across the following poetic verse:

“I am standing here in your poem-unsatisfied.” (1994:xxi)

Originating from Eastern War Time, a poem by the radical feminist Adrienne Rich, this verse was highlighted by the famous literary critic and postcolonial author as an important example of a ‘peculiar political stance’ not to be undermined.[i] For myself, Rich’s words invoked a personal reflection on my own political stance, as a person of colour trying to locate myself in the academic field of International Relations (IR).

IR is the scholarly pursuit of knowledge about the international: its politics, its history, and its events. I originally pursued this area of study whilst trying to understand my own politicized experiences as a racialized Muslim woman growing up in the post-9/11 era. Despite a Eurocentric…

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Published by colouredacademia

Former @InterpolAber doctoral candidate & @queensu @warwickuni alumna/ IR lover/Interested in the 'Other'/ Black Muslim Feminist Kill Joy ... All my views are my own.

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